Why work with us?

We Offer Cash for Your Land!

A cash land sale is not right for everyone, but it may be right for you! Some top reasons we see landowners selling for cash include: tired of paying taxes, the land was inherited, a life change event or need for quick cash.

Easy Sales Process

Save yourself time and energy by selling with our quick cash offer. This option is best for those looking for a low hassle deal, no fees to you and we cover all the closing costs!

Peace of Mind

Our closing process is done through North Carolina licensed real estate attorneys, this ensures a nuetral third party to handle paperwork, transfer of funds, and provides peace of mind.

About us

Hi I’m Dan, and I am the founder here at Peak Property Ventures! I have combined my passions of helping others and the outdoors, by serving as a trusted land partner in NC. 


Peak Property Ventures is driven by three core principles: respect, integrity, and stewardship. We look forward to working with you as your land partner!

Want to know more?

Have questions about your land or our process? We would be happy to speak to you and find out how we can best help you!